Prevent. Control. Protect.
Our transportation and equipment cleaning focuses in the decontamination, sanitization and disinfection of enclosed transportation vehicles. We can prevent the spread of COVID-19, H1N1 Influenza A Virus, MRSA, Hepatitis B&C, Legionela, Staphylococcus, Novovirus and other viruses and bacteria colonies.
We are trained and certified to eliminate viruses and bacteria in vehicles with a closed system of heating and cooling, like airplanes, train coaches, buses and other. We follow strict protocols of decontaminating biohazard contaminants like blood, urine, human waste, bodily fluids, and more. We employ electrostatic disinfection sprayers, industrial grade steamers, UV Lights, hydrogen peroxide vapor machines, dry vapor generators and other disinfection and sterilization equipment.
We can disinfect and decontaminate:
- Airplanes
- Trains
- Coaches
- Buses
- Boats
- Truck Trailers
Trax extreme cleaners are trained and certified by IICRC. We carry WSIB and liability insurance, we offer an on-site assessment of the vehicle, give us a call today.